Urban Immovable Property Tax Act 1958 Pdf Merge
Urban Immovable Property Tax Act, 1958, in the manner hereinafter appearing; Preamble. It is hereby enacted as follows:-1. (1 ) This Act may be called the Sind Urban.
C O N T E N T S Section Heading 1. Short title and extent. Share of local bodies in the tax. Levy of tax in cantonment area. Ascertainment of annual value.
Valuation tables to ascertain annual value. Assessing authority. Making and operating of valuation lists. Draft valuation list. Amendment of current valuation list. Appeal and revision.
Tax to be levied notwithstanding appeal. Payment of Tax and late payment surcharge.
Collection of tax. Recovery of tax from tenants.
Penalty for default in payment. Recovery of unpaid dues. Registering authority to ensure payment of tax.
Urban Immovable Property Tax Act 1958 Pdf
Remuneration of local authority. Powers of assessing authority to require returns for valuation list. Powers of assessing authority to require returns at any time 20. Valuation list not to be rendered invalid by certain failures or omissions. Assessing authorities, officers and servants to be deemed public servants. Exclusion of jurisdiction of Civil Courts.
Power to make rules. Repeal and Saving. THE PUNJAB URBAN IMMOVABLE PROPERTY TAX ACT, 1958 (V of 1958) 10 April 1958 An Act to consolidate the law relating to the levy of a tax on urban immovable property in the Province of the Punjab ; Preamble.– WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate the law relating to the levy of a tax on urban immovable property in the Province of the Punjab; It is hereby enacted as follows:- 1.
Punjab Urban Immovable Property Tax Act 1958
Short title and extent.– (1) This Act may be called the Punjab Urban Immovable Property Tax Act, 1958. (2) It extends to the whole of the Punjab, except the Tribal Areas. 2.