
More Torrent On Windows 8 Rt To Windows videos.

I understand that jailbroken devices have some via media, but thats not a course I would like to pursue. Crystal ball questions. There are legitimate uses for torrents - so there may be a torrent client in the app store at some point. However, look at the iPad: got any torrent apps there? None that download directly - but a couple (at least) that allow remote control of a desktop torrent application. Which - given the capacity of the system in question really - makes some sense.- Shenan Stanley MVP 2005-2011 & 2013-2015 Insider MVP 2016-.

Windows 8 Rt Version

Android has loads of torrent clients, and they run on tegra 3 too so not a system issue. Think its Microsoft being controlling, shame cause it stops Rt being a real standalone operating system. Crazy that I have to use my phone to download what I need and then transfer it to my supposed laptop. Unsure why the jump to Android when I specifically only mentioned iPad (because the manufacturers of the devices/OSes are involved in both the full desktop and tablet arenas - not just one or the other.);-).- Shenan Stanley MVP 2005-2011 & 2013-2015 Insider MVP 2016-. Why you need to compare Microsoft (Surface or any other RT) to iPad, that only shows how unsure are you with your product.My.

Product? (quoting you, 'that only shows how unsure are you with your product.' ) I still use Windows RT, Windows 8 Standard and Windows 8 Pro. I still use several Apple iPads.

Windows 8 rt download

I still use various Android devices. Like practically everyone else that frequent these forums, I am just someone who. uses. the products.

The only way any of the products being asked about or answered about (in most cases) are 'mine' are ownership of one and daily use of one. I do not 'own' them in any other manner. If you felt I was representing Microsoft in.any. way, then I have to wonder how you missed the fact that most responders here are volunteers - peers, people just like those asking the questions, no more interest in Microsoft than most people you know in your daily life (

happen to work at Microsoft?) - and the products being spoken about are theirs. I would think you, having been a member of these forums since February 13, 2008 (although not necessarily 'active') would have picked up on that by now? Why would I compare Windows RT to iPad? I am a consumer. Windows RT is device.


OS. That means the comparison is not only valid - it is what was obviously intended. I also compare it to the Android OSes with the same reasoning and understanding of what Windows RT is.- Shenan Stanley MVP 2005-2011 & 2013-2015 Insider MVP 2016-.