1. File Path In Excel
  2. Linux Default Java Path
  3. Relative File Path In Java

I am using these functions for filename processing. The last one is the one you need here. Public Function FilePathOf(ByVal s As String) As String Dim pos As Integer pos = InStrRev(s, ' ') If pos = 0 Then FilePathOf = ' Else FilePathOf = Left$(s, pos) End If End Function Public Function FileNameOf(ByVal s As String) As String Dim pos1 As Integer, pos2 As Integer pos1 = InStrRev(s, ' ') + 1 pos2 = InStrRev(s, '.'

Getopenfilename Default File Path In Java

) If pos2 = Len(s) Then pos2 = pos2 + 1 If pos2 = 0 Then pos2 = Len(s) + 1 FileNameOf = Mid$(s, pos1, pos2 - pos1) End Function Public Function FileExtOf(ByVal s As String) As String Dim pos As Integer pos = InStrRev(s, '.' ) If pos = 0 Then FileExtOf = ' Else FileExtOf = Mid$(s, pos + 1) End If End Function Public Function FileNameExtOf(ByVal s As String) As String FileNameExtOf = Mid$(s, InStrRev(s, ' ') + 1) End Function. Hanging by a moment lyrics. Why reinvent the wheel and write tons of boilerplate code? Just use the existing 's GetFileName method, already written and tested and debugged for you: filename = FSO.GetFileName(path) Here's a working example: Dim path As String Dim filename As String Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set FSO = New FileSystemObject path = 'C: mydir myotherdir myfile.txt' filename = FSO.GetFileName(path) 'Bingo. Debug.Print filename ' returns 'myfile.txt' ' Other features: Debug.Print FSO.GetBaseName(path) ' myfile Debug.Print FSO.GetExtensionName(path) ' txt Debug.Print FSO.GetParentFolderName(path) ' C: mydir myotherdir Debug.Print FSO.GetDriveName(path) ' C: ' et cetera, et cetera.

Getopenfilename Default File Path In JavaDefault

File Path In Excel

Sep 16, 2004 Set Path for GetOpenFilename. 'Select one or more files to open',, True) If TypeName. This sets the specified Network Path as the Default. Setting a default path in getOpenFileName (X++) Ask Question. Up vote 1 down vote favorite. I was wondering how I can set a default path for a Open File dialog in X++.

Linux Default Java Path

You will need to set a reference as follows: Tools References. set checkmark next to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. Otherwise use late binding: Dim FSO As Object Set FSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'). In this case, you are using Application.GetOpenFilename, so you are sure that file physically exists on disk, so the simplest approach will be to use Dir. FileName = Dir(filePath) Full code is: Dim fileName, filePath As Variant filePath = Application.GetOpenFilename('Excel files (.xlsm),.xlsm', 'Select desired file', False) If filePath = False Then MsgBox 'No file selected.' , vbExclamation, 'Sorry!' Exit Sub Else 'Remove path from full filename fileName = Dir(filePath) 'Print file name (with extension) MsgBox 'File selected.'

Relative File Path In Java

& vbCr & vbCr & fileName, vbInformation, 'Sucess!'