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Welcome to this World of Warcraft Legion Guide for Discipline Priests looking to optimize their healing in PvE end-game. We take an alternative approach to standard.
At level 58, you'll be able to go to Outland through the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands—but you might want to wait until 59 or 60 for that. Once you hit 58, the permanent teleport portals near the mage trainers in every major city will activate for you, and send you to right near the Dark Portal if you use them. In the interim, your best option is probably to head to the Blasted Lands anyway. It's the zone at the southeast corner of the Eastern Kingdoms continent.
It has more quests from 55-60. You should be able to get an introductory quest for the zone at one of the King's Command boards in Stormwind. First off, many thanks for the reply. Second, I'm very new, but I did find the Blasted Lands by accident. I don't know anything about the teleport portals. Is there one in Darnassus?
How was I supposed to know that I was to enter a portal (other than by accident) And when I'm done with the Blasted Lands, where do I go? Wait till level 60 and head back to Darnassus? I'm sorry for the noob questions, but I would really appreciate your guidance.
Also, is there an easier way to discover new quests other than riding around looking for '!' At this point in the game, am I going to get into complicated quest finding? Like I said, I entered the portal just by guessing. Will I still use the Hero's Call Board? Any advice you can offer will be very much appreciated. Hmm, good questions.

I'll try and help. First off, the teleport portals are all near the mage trainers, so if you ask a guard where the mage trainers are in a major city, that will send you near the portals.
When WoW originally came out, 60 was the max level. The 1-60 content has since been extensively revised when the Cataclysm expansion was released.
The level 60-70 content was added with the Burning Crusade expansion, the first expansion to WoW, and takes place primarily on the separate continent (and planet!) of Outland, which you can reach through the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands. The portals in the capital cities were put in a long time ago as a shortcut to help players reach Outland more quickly upon hitting levels 58-60; they aren't strictly needed, since you can always get to the Blasted Lands the traditional way. When you hit 58, a quest on the Hero's Call board in every major city should direct you to travel to Outland for more quests, and this quest will tell you about the portal. These portals merely put you right next to the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands, so if you are already questing around the Blasted Lands there's no need to stop back in a city before heading through. You can choose to keep Darnassus as your 'home base' if you choose and travel to Outland through the Dark Portal whenever you go there, but it may be more convenient to switch your hearthstone location to Shattrath, in Terrokar Forest, which is the capital of Outland for both alliance and horde.
You can find banks, auction houses, and class trainers there, and it is a more central location to get to the various places there more quickly. Basically, you level 1-(58-60) in the classic WoW zones, as you've been doing so far. (58-60)-(68-70) is in Outland. (Parentheses because there's some choice; the classic WoW quests go up to 60, but Outland quests start at 58; etc.) Then once you hit 68, a quest will become available on the Heroes' Call board in Stormwind to send you to Northrend, where you can level up to 80.
That will be the content from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, which is included in the base game now. To level past 80 you'll need the Cataclysm expansion, which still isn't included in the base game.
Once you reach Outland, the Heroes' Call board will no longer direct you where to go. You'll have to find quests on your own. This is easier than it sounds, because at level 60 you'll be able to train flying mount skill and purchase a flying mount for use in Outland, which will make it much easier to travel all around large areas quickly. Flying Mount skill can be trained only in Stormwind (near the flight master there) or in Honor Hold, the first town in Hellfire Peninsula. I strongly recommend getting it and a flying mount as soon as you hit 60; it makes a huge difference to how fast you can get around. You can skip getting 'Flight Master's License' for the time being if you want, because that only is needed to fly in the Old World continents, and you won't be spending much time back in the old world until level 80. In general you can travel to the various towns in a zone, which you will see on your map, and pick up a bunch of quests, identifiable by the '!'
Marks on your minimap. You will also find 'breadcrumbs' quests in each zone that lead you to other zones further down the line; e.g. Once you hit level 61, you will find a quest somewhere in Hellfire Peninsula that sends you to Zangarmarsh. Similarly there are breadcrumbs quests in the first town in each zone that send you along to later towns. (continued in next post because I typed way too much).
The Outland content is older content than the 1-60 stuff that was revised with Cataclysm, so it may be rougher in certain respects than you are used to; there are very few vehicle quests, for example. A big difference is that the quest progression in each zone is much less linear. In the 1-60 zones, you will normally pick up a few quests, complete those, a few more become available, etc.
Whereas in Outland, if you fly all around Hellfire Peninsula and pick up every quest available before completing any, you can probably find enough quests to completely fill up your quest log. Some of those quests will lead into more quests, in either short or long chains, and some will not. There also generally won't be any indication that you've 'finished' each zone except that you won't be able to find any more quests. There are a few quests that are harder to find because they don't start in towns, but you don't need to worry about those unless you're a completionist. Rough zone levels for Outland are Hellfire Peninsula: 58-63; starting point Honor Hold.
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Zangarmarsh: 60-64; starting point Cenarian Refuge. Terrokar Forest: 62-65; starting point Shattrath. Nagrand: 64-67; starting point Telaar.
Blade's Edge Mountains 65-68; starting point Sylvanaar. Netherstorm 67-70; starting point Area 52. Shadowmoon Valley 67-70; starting point Wildhammer Stronghold. There's a lot of overlap, as you can see. If you aren't sure what to do, the simplest option is just to pretty much finish each zone before moving on to the next, and to do the quests in each zone one town at a time.
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But if you find that you're leveling ahead of the content, you may want to skip ahead. If you are having a hard time finding something or figuring out what to do in a quest, a third-party site may be useful. I recommend www.wowhead.com.
I hope this helps!
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A+ game, would recommend. DayZ if you want a kick in the teeth every time you play. This game never fails to get my heart pumping. Always scary whenever you hear the.CRACK. of bullets flying passed you.
Fable - I am a big fan of the first one, Fable - The Lost Chapters. Very fun game, check it out.
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