Granado Espada Free Bot
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On IAH's Watch: How Bot Scripts Are Distributed in Granado Espada. Granado Espada is the only mmorpg I've ever played where the majority of players bot, and many feel.
First Espada
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Originally posted by:people use bots cos its only way to play for free, if piblishers would change just one little thing like - pets would not need food to pick up items - way way less people would bot game is not f2p, you need many things to sustain character and you get them with cash mostly if you are not rly rly rly hardcore player, sad, i rly love soundtrack and how this game looks People use cheats because they have no conscience and they're losers. Please do not make excuses for these low life people. Originally posted by:people use bots cos its only way to play for free, if piblishers would change just one little thing like - pets would not need food to pick up items - way way less people would bot game is not f2p, you need many things to sustain character and you get them with cash mostly if you are not rly rly rly hardcore player, sad, i rly love soundtrack and how this game looks People use cheats because they have no conscience and they're losers. Please do not make excuses for these low life people SMFC is right mate. If you've ever played this game (which I have no idea if you have or not)It's really Pay2Win. Botters existed wayyy before pets came out and even when they did, we need cash to get them to work (If not they're just for looks). This game had plenty of potential.
- With Update 4 (v2.9) patch, pets have invaded Granado Espada. Now, the rich can legally bot. Poppet (looter) and. Click on the rock in the free zone of Fire.
- With Update 4 (v2.9) patch, pets have invaded Granado Espada. Now, the rich can legally bot. Loot while AFK. Here is a guide on how to acquire a bot.
With the amazing Skill & Stance system, RNPC and MCC. Sad thing that money can change the experience you play. Difference is like day and night. Originally posted by:people use bots cos its only way to play for free, if piblishers would change just one little thing like - pets would not need food to pick up items - way way less people would bot game is not f2p, you need many things to sustain character and you get them with cash mostly if you are not rly rly rly hardcore player, sad, i rly love soundtrack and how this game looks People use cheats because they have no conscience and they're losers.
Espada Meaning
Please do not make excuses for these low life people Those people you call low life help to keep your server has people idiots. How come a staff talk to the players like that? Lost generation 1920s.