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$126.99 $95.24 Quantity: Contents:. Foreword. Introduction and Acknowledgements. I. Purva khanda - Section-1 (Part-1):. Ayurveda Pravaktr Pradurbhava Prakarana (Chapter on history of propagators of Ayurveda).

Srsti Prakarana (Concepts on creation). Garbha Prakarana (Concepts of embryology-obstetrics). Bala Prakaranam (Concepts of neonatology and Paediatrics). Dinacaryartu Prakarana (Concepts of daily and seasonal routine).

Misra Prakarana (organized or systematic entitlements). Haritakyadi Varga (Chapter on drugs beginning Haritaki). Karpuradi Varga (Aromatic and fragrant drugs). Guducyadi Varga (Climbers and shrubs). Puspa Varga (Flower drugs). Vatadi varga (Medicinal trees).

Amradi phala Varga (Medicinal fruits). Dhatupadhatu Rasoparasa Visopavisa Varga (Metals, gems and poisons). Dhanya Varga (Cereals, pulses and Millets). Saka Varga (Potherbs).

Mamsa Varga (Animal meat). Krtanna Varga (Food preparations). Vari Varga (water and its qualities). Dugdha Varga (Different types of milk). Dadhi Varga (Curds). Takra Varga (Butter milk). Navanita Varga (Butter and its properties).

Ghrta Varga (Properties of ghee). Mutra Varga (Urine and its properties). Taila Varga (Different oils). Sandhana Varga (Fermented liquors or drinks). Madhu Varga (Different kinds of honey).

Iksu Varga (Sugar cane and (its products). Anekartha Varga (Synonyms). Section I (Part II):.

i. Mana Paribhasa Prakarana (quantitative measurements). Bhesaja Vidhana Prakarana (Pharmaceutics). Dhatvadi Sodhana Marana (Purification and calcification of metals). Sneha Pana Vidhi (Therapeutic oleation).

Panca Karma Vidhi (Therapeutic purifications). Dhumapana Vidhi (Therapeutic smoking). Rogi Pariksa (Clinical examination). Appendices:. New entries to Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Scientific/Latin names.

Trade/English names. Metals and minerals. Sanskrta synonyms of plants. Traditional measurements and their modern equivalents. Bibliography. Bhavaprakasa is a land mark in the history of Ayurveda Medicine. It is one of the three famous books on Ayurveda, together known as laghutrayi.

The author, Bhavmisra wrote this treatise in sixteenth century A.D. This was one of the best compilations of medical knowledge prevalent in medieval period on the use of medicinal plants and treatment of various diseases. This volume, the first part of purvardha, contains a lot of information on the basic concepts and five purificatory procedures (pancakarma) along with Nighantu (lexicon). The Nighantu part clarifies many controversies on medicinal plants and exemplified many exotic plant species, making it an esteemed treatise for academicians of Ayurveda and Botany.

Bhavamisra also added some new formulations and treatment methods, dwindling its importance. The present commentary on the text is the first of its kind in English. A study of the plant drugs in terms of nomenclature, botanical identification, morphology and habitat is done elaborately. Updated phytochemistry and important therapeutic uses are included under the description of each plant. Latest scientific names including the varieties of plants are mentioned. Wherever necessary, a notes is given, discussing the different opinions of various commentators and in many instances a coordinating solution is worked out. This is an informative and fundamental work useful for teachers, students researchers and pharmacists, written in an innovative, modern scientific manner.

This commentary will be widely welcomed by students and practitioners of modern medicine and by scientists, interested in the vast extent and rich content of the pharmacopoeia of Ayurvedic science. A legible translations of the original text helps persons to understand the charm of Ayurveda in the middle ages.

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