1. Yamaha Ex5 Review

All of MarcE's patch libraries for the Yamaha EX5 synthesizer are available here for free download. A Mac patch editor for the Yamaha FS1R from Yamahasynth.com.

Yamaha Ex5 Review

The EX5 is an incredible machine for sound creators and musicians, and with a little luck you can catch one for around $400. If you just want to listen to the sounds, jump to (see detailed overview below) In this video, I'm doing a brief overview on it's features, and play some of the patches I found particularly interesting.

How much do patch editors makeYamaha Ex5 Patch Editors

I'll do some follow-up-videos on the different sound engines, the sequencer and the sampler in the next weeks. You can support me on bandcamp: Patches played in this video: grand piano: electric piano 1: organ: virtual analog wobble sound: string section: analog ARP 1: analog drum sound Sequence: sound effect 'Descender': FDSP patch 'Torture': athmospheric pad: ARP 2: virtual analog brass/lead sound: FDSP Pad 'Faraway': electric piano 2: electric guitar 'lead switch': VL saxophone.